Prayer Plant Pair
Prayer Plant Pair
Twice as beautiful . our Prayer Plant Pair features a pair of your favourite (almost!) unkillable houseplants. With its distinctive stunning green leaves decorated with red veins and pink undersides. It earned its name because of the way its leaves fold together at night . like hands closed in prayer.
Best known for its colourful . patterened leaves that move up and down with daylight . the Prayer Plant is . of course . a member of the well-known Calathea family.
What you might not know about this colourful Calathea . is that the Prayer Plant is actually a trailing plant and in more mature specimens you'll see it start to grow horizontally and eventually trail downwards with its colourful leaves cascading. Even better you save 10% when bought together.
How to keep me happy
Light: I like bright . indirect light
Water: Water me when my top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch
Expert level: I' perfect for those new to plant parenthood
Sizing: W12cm x H30-40cm
Air purifying: I remove the nasties lurking in your room
Pet-friendly: I'm safe around your furry friends and little people