Philodendron Narrow 16.5cm
Philodendron Narrow 16.5cm
Narrow heavily serrated long . jungle green leaves grow from the stem of this fast-growing Philodendron. Long aerial roots help support the philodendron on its journey upwards. This stunning Philodendron evokes a wild tropical feel in any collection. Easy to care for this is the perfect plant for the home or patio.
Philodendron Narrow likes bright . indirect light. It can tolerate the occasional few hours of direct sunlight but be careful not to scorch the leaves. Brown spots will develop if the light is too harsh.
Allow the top half of the soil to dry out between waterings . then water thoroughly.
Philodendron Narrow prefers average to warm household temperatures from 18-28°C. Avoid cold draughts.
The Philodendron Narrow will do fine in normal home humidity . but thrives in more humid environments. Consider misting occasionally for best results.
Apply a weak solution of liquid fertiliser once a month during the growing season. Do not feed during the winter.
Height & Growth Rate:
Philodendron Narrow has a wide growth habit meaning. It can reach a height of between 60 to 90cm indoors.
These plants are poisonous. Keep away from children and pets. The sap can cause irritation.
Air Purifying:
Philodendron filter airborne toxins such as formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the atmosphere and are part of our clean air plant collection.
Philodrendron Narrow is a cultivar and originates from the tropics of South America.