Jade Plant & Pot
Jade Plant & Pot
With lots of glossy green round leaves . the Jade Plant is a stunning succulent which can brighten up any spot. Otherwise known as the money plant or friendship plant . this houseplant is said to bring good fortune and prosperity to its owner . making it a perfect housewarming gift. Paired with a perfectly fitting . ribbed ceramic pot.
Native to southern Africa . the Jade Plant is a slow grower but can reach an impressive 2 meters in height in the wild.
Unsurprisingly . as a succulent . the Jade Plant is incredibly easy to care for and very hardy. It does enjoy bright light and can even handle a little occasional direct sun . so make sure to find it a bright spot to sit in. It stores water in its fleshy leaves . so you won't need to worry about watering too often. Just make sure its soil is well-drained and don't let its roots get water-logged.
How to keep me happy
Light: I like bright . indirect light and can even cope with occasional direct sunlight
Water: Water me when my top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch
Expert Level: I'm perfect for those new to plant parenthood
Sizing: W12cm x H20-30cm
Air purifying: I remove the nasties lurking in your room
Pet friendly: Keep me out of reach of furry friends and little people
Latin name: Crassula Ovata